Acupuncture is one of the most popular techniques of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It works by regulating the «mysterious» vital energy of the body, which is chinese is called Qi (pronounced chi). We know what we mean by vital energy. Certainly we notice it when we don’t have it… but we don’t have a way to measure it… yet. Acupunture works in a holistic way. Through the use of very fine needles inserted into channels called meridians. It promotes the body’s healing capacity. In some cases instead of using needles we use heat near the points to activate them: we call it moxa.
The World Health Organisation states that: «There is empirical and scientific evidence supporting the benefits of acupuncture, manual therapies and various herbal medicines for a variety of chronic or mild conditions». Prestigious clinical guidelines advise acupuncture for tension headaches. Studies have shown that acupuncture improves fatigue and anxiety in people with fibromyalgia.
Acupuncture releases endorphins, which is why it is so effective for pain. Other studies suggest that it improves the immune system response.
Acupuncture releases endorphins, which is why it is so effective for pain. Other studies suggest that it improves the immune system response.
Useful for:
- Chronic conditions
- Pain relief
- Weight loss
- Allergies, migraine
- Gastric problems
- Anxiety and depression
- Menstruation disorders
- Chronic fatigue
- It is a very safe therapy and and it is rarely contraindicated.
- It acts in a holistic way and thus able to resolve various symptoms with the same treatment.
- The effect is cumulative and becomes more effective after several sessions.
- It is a non-invasive technique and promotes the body's self-healing mechanism.